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20 Minute Weight Training Workout

There are many of different weight training workouts out there; some are short and sweet, while others can go on for hours. For the busy person, some people is looking to stimulate the most muscle mass in the shortest time, all you need is 15-20 minutes. In fact the shorter the workout the better, giving your muscles more time to recover and grow. So we prepared this article to show best weight training workout to perform in just 20 minutes maximum.
First you may won't want to do a workout for the whole body in just 20 minutes, so you have to split the workout up into different muscle days depending op related muscles. The best way to do this is to target your legs on one day, your back on second day  and your chest on the final day. On the back and chest days you will work out your arms and shoulders. Here is a 3 day split:

1st : Squats, stiff deadlift, calf raises.

2nd: Wednesday: chin ups, Barbell rows, bicep curls.

3rd: Bench press, overhead shoulder press, dips .

If you want to  make the workouts last 20 minutes or less, you are requested to spend only around 6-7 minutes per exercise. Plus you must take into account the warm up.

Using only 3 exercises save the time you spend in the gym to a minimum. It helps you to only have to set up 3 sets of weights and you can repeat the exercise more, instead of having to go and set up another exercise. 

The repeated sets will also help you to increase your strength on those exercises. The exercises are all big compound lifts.

The compound lifts shall allow for heavy weights to be used. Lift for low reps like 5-7, this means less time per exercise.

 Aim for 5 sets per exercise. Keep the resting time to a minimum between sets, 1 minute or less. This sure will increase the intensity while letting you complete the workout quicker.

When lifting the weights stick to a fast concentric (lifting up the weight/pushing it) movement that is powerful and strong. Then when lowering the weight keep it steady and slow.

 Don't use momentum when lifting, this is only cheating You should take about 3-4 seconds to complete a rep, meaning it will take about 20-30 seconds or less to complete each exercise.

 Leave a 30 second rest between sets and you will take under 5 minutes to complete each exercise.

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