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wow ! Growth Hormone ..... wait

Growth Hormone And on the top of the list of drugs commonly used hormonal between wanting to Bodybuilding and the emergence of muscle filled are those containing growth hormone And drugs that contain steroids hormone growth hormone, known as (Egtestosterone).

Natural hormone in adequate On this issue, the consultant Abdel Nasser and pause in which he stressed the Importance to the attention of unsuspecting damage dealt with these types of drugs, saying:Ask this type of athletes, do you think that the Lord created your body less »

So perfect that you want to increase the amount of natural hormone in it?
Do you think That the Lord may nibble percentage growth hormone imbalance in your creation? But trust that the amount of Natural hormone in your body adequate As for hormones Male effect such as steroidal drugs Will 

dealt with the presence of  low Attribute in your body?

Even if you are told it is one of steroidal drugs Constructive like Aldekadrapolin, you should note that the increase here is a decrease and cause Damage and adversely affect health. Vmcolh increase better incorrect.If they are correct, does healthy eating thyroid hormone to increase activity In order to reduce weight? Is it acceptable to take growth hormone are getting taller? Of course not.At that damage and prejudice in our bodies natural mechanism that created it.Ask about the capabilities of the addressed He continued Dr. 

explaining: Proof harm these drugs, which does not deny General or Mr tado clubs or reviewed Aaadhati or anyone interested in this field, is Complaint of previously ingested about their sexuality, which could begin Deteriorate within a few weeks or months or years after their dealings hormones up Their state of weakness and sometimes disability. May say some junior them, he Pharmacological finished the chorus was intact, and so second chorus Vsaokhz .

I tell him that he might not fall ill, something now or even after the second chorus, but Impact he must emerge with time, either after months or years. And I wish That the wish to use these drugs to build muscles to ask Tatoha by 10 or 15 years to see a negative impact on their health.In addition to impotence, has seen many of the cases caused by this Hormones tumors, especially colon tumors. It was a kind of tumors Deadly.

 As a reminder, it became known medically and there is a link between this type of Tumors and taking growth hormone.Smoking risk and dangerous hormone The view also says he knows anyone taking growth hormone did not hit him harm Here respond to him, that in spite of proving harm cigarettes, many smokers Extending the age for many years before showing them harm. But that the rate of death Person of the impact of smoking and its complications may not exceed 20%, but the campaign Against media and control large.

In medical terms, the eating hormone Growth and other chemical compounds negatively affect hormonal health and longerMore harmful than cigarettes, to cause disease when most users, but, since Emphasizes the need awareness Bdharrha, and the work of media campaigns to combat it.Low trick Growth Hormone Some resort to Kinds of tricks for the purpose of Promote products Hormonal, or may be used Certain tests without understanding Of the subject.

Thus, the request of the individual examination of the blood to measure the levelGrowth hormone in his body, and says that if he was low or less than the averageNatural, in which case can be dealt with hormone needed his body and without concern, it is inOut of danger. This is a trick, because growth hormone is secreted dailyPulses or body doses at different times and mostly occur during sleep.Therefore it is natural to approach the level of zero in the waking periods.This would suggest that person is suffering a shortage of the hormone, while in realityBe a natural level. Which depicts the coach wrong body 'needHormone should be aware coach hormone secretions mechanism.Why not growOvary?Less than hormone secretionConstruction and growth in the bodyAs we age andBecause our bodies need himLess.

And it is not a disease It is a natural physiological change, and does not need to treat and to amend the situation.Case Like physiological changes associated with the progress of old age, such as Gradual decrease in the secretion of hormones in general and stop some And physiology. It matters not be prevented or prevention. Women after About the age of fifty interrupted her to stop menstrual activity Mbaeidaha, why not Grown ovaries if?. So we must generally do not object to the progress and development Human Vciologitna.Cosmetics proven relationship with tumors and weaknesses and sexual behavior Criminal, and even suicide.Damages amounted to a suicide Of common drugs that are used to build muscle are Cosmetics Steroids and, for information One of steroids have is a male hormone. 

Suffice For the alarm, to note that this type of hormone used medically in drug prevention Pregnancy and reduce the fertility of men. Accordingly, the Advisory surprised Abdel Nasser,Of some men disregard these compounds damage and addressed in spite of gravity.In addition to its effect on fertility, studies have found that eating cause A change in behavior, including increases of hostilities and violence and nervousness.

The evidence is Complaint cocaine, they are in the day injection drug took feel a change in their behavior In terms of mood and aggressive behavior and nervousness. But that studies have found That excessive addressed lead to criminal ideas, up to suicide. After all Those facts lawful abuse for any reason?Proteins manufactured?On the other hand, the formulations of proteins, which are given in the form of powder If those contain: liquid or gel, commented saying Advisory Only amino acids, if it is better to take what the body needs of Protein from its natural food source is known, and turn after the digested Body of amino acids contribute to the construction.

Not if ingested in the form of powder or Means does not know the exact source or installed, Is it skin or bones, crushed Or contains hormones or other substances. And here I am not questioning the products All companies, but doubt still exists, the question presents itself logical,We do not exactly know the source, and the assurance that these proteins did not add Hormones?It Cosmetics have been licensed in Kuwait number of the Ministry of Health Recipe as dietary supplements, and thus did not examine the components because they are not drugs Treatments such as those being tested and analyzing their contents.

Therefore, the contents of this Proteins is not checked.Egg substitute powder All has Bet: He Nasser Othman consultant explaining Provide him with meals containing all the elements it needs food.And therefore, he can eat what he needs and asks from body building proteins In the form of eggs, meat or nuts or honey, they all contain Protein and energy. If what is stopping you from simply taking it, they are a natural And fresh and easy to digest and turn the body naturally to acids Amino builds muscle. But protein that is given through drugs Or powder may affect muscle highlights faster or larger can Because it contains compounds other than proteins such as hormone.

Otherwise, the Contains only proteins, what the difference between him and the natural proteinIn eggs. Even if I can not coach that the amount needed by the personTo get the desired shape can not be okay for food provided then excuse Fake, it can be for a number of eggs that provide all the protein you need withThey contain low calories.«Bodybuilding has seen through my work on the arrival of some of the objects Health in a natural way, and without the use of acupuncture or drugs Chemical, but all you have hired is of course diet and a specific athletic goalAnd long-term.And ways to improve achievement without dopingIn addition to the gradual increase in the duration and daily sports training load, it must The use of nutritional supplements such as carbohydrates, vitamins acidsCreatine and amino which may be taken by its natural resources,And is one of the basic elements of food to improve athletic performance.Feeding

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