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Feeding body building

to build strong muscles, you  need to combine diet that includes healthy food To build tissue and high in calories to provide you with enough fuel to do a program Intensive training causes growth and strengthen muscles Carbohydrates Is the primary source to supply the body with energy and stored in the image Muscle. The more physical activity a long and stressful 'glycogen' Increased muscle needed. Once the low stock of this article, the rate Energy will fall, and sports should stop exercising Activity 600 grams of carbohydrates - sports. Experts recommend eating 50 Daily for the survival of the stock muscle glycogen stores high.

The athlete can rely on its own requirements of carbohydrates
 :The following equation
Body weight X 3.6 grams of carbohydrates = How fines of carbs / day


Are the basic food material to build muscle tissue, and a poor campaign
Sports practiced strength training to more proteins.
The recommended daily intake ratios for athletes who are making an effort
0.8 Fines / pound of body weight. - Significant: 0.6


In addition to athlete's need for protein and carbohydrates, needs Also for small amounts of fat as an important food item. Should The total number of daily calories that come from Unsaturated fats only 30%.


As a result of the sweat and the daily loss of fluids to the body during exercise,
The body needs here to double the amount of water compared to the daily quantity
Of water (8 cups). And to ensure that
Not infect the body dehydrated.

It is suggested that drinking two cups Of water before exercise activity Sports, and drink some fluids 20 minutes, and two cups of water - every 15 After completion.


Help sports drinks And carbohydrate supplements if Sports activity continued for more than Hours. They replace meals After muscle-building exercises. For Sports consume some Proteins and carbohydrates after Your workout For refueling muscles Necessary for their growth and for inventory replenishment of glycogen stores, and can be Compensation for these drinks eating a tuna sandwich or TWO Banana or any other snack.


Most supplements on the market have no benefit to the extent required,Electrolytes and electrolyte Creatine alternatives, but some, such as creatine And carbohydrate supplements and alternatives to liquid meals have some benefits For athletes. But Users should be aware that whatever supplements Benefits, it is not like natural food items in purity.


Research shows that provide the muscle creatine increases the material Speed ​​and bear muscle hypertrophy. Is also used to produce energy during Sports that rely on the system phosphate (anaerobic) to produce Energy. Creatine helps to speed healing and thus The possibility of increasing the severity and duration of training and delay the onset of fatigue.

 As the prices Creatine supplements are high, the obtained by eating meat The best food source. And try eating 5 grams athletes A rate of four times a day for five days. And you should always consult Competent before resorting to eating anything because the nature of each person vary From one to another.

Its negative effects

The negative impacts of the use of creatine because it leads to weight gain
If taken for short periods at a rate of 20 30 grams per day and increase seen
Researchers she goes back to the following:

-  Increase the water content in the body.
-  Increasing the diameter fast muscle fibers.
-  Increase the stock of glycogen.

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