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Muscle and burn system to generate energy

Will my burning muscle strength training system to help you build muscle and strength by focusing on three different training approaches, and use all in the same workout. Will be the implementation of the following types of groups for each muscle group:

1- Power. Groups will power to lead off the workout. Energy groups is performed in the range Thanks 3 to 5. Use the same weight for each of the groups. When you can perform 5 representatives of all groups of power, to move up weight. Major muscle groups will perform 2-4 in sets of power workout, and minor muscle groups will perform energy groups 2 workout. Please note that for some minor muscle groups, and groups of energy does not make sense, or that it is not realistic. For example, it is difficult to perform resistance groups too heavy in the abdomen.

2- Muscle. Muscle groups are performed within Thanks 6 to 12. Use the same weight for each of the groups. When you hit the upper limit delegates from 12 for all muscle groups, and move up in weight. Major muscle groups will perform muscle groups 4-6 total in each workout, using 2 different exercises. Mini will muscle groups performing muscle groups 2-4 total in each workout, using exercises 1-2. You can also perform a single operation for a period of 3 sets.

3- Burning. Will carried out by groups of 1-2 burning for each muscle group - using generally isolation movements. Choose the weight that allows you to reach from 15 to 20 reps, and then overall performance of 40 representatives.How? Do representatives of the largest possible number, then take a rest slightly and perform more reps. Convenience only long enough to restore energy and strength of will to implement 1-3 representatives more.

Continue to push yourself through the pain until the ratio of total 40 representatives. When you reach representatives + 25 non-stop from the beginning, add weight. Major muscle groups will use 2 sets burning, use of simple muscle groups 1-2 groups arson.

4- Burning. Will carried out by groups of 1-2 burning for each muscle group - using generally isolation movements. Choose the weight that allows you to reach from 15 to 20 reps, and then overall performance of 40 representatives.How? Do representatives of the largest possible number, then take a rest slightly and perform more reps. Convenience only long enough to restore energy and strength of will to implement 1-3 representatives more. Continue to push yourself through the pain until the ratio of total 40 representatives. When you reach representatives + 25 non-stop from the beginning, add weight. Major muscle groups will use 2 sets burning, use of simple muscle groups 1-2 groups arson.

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