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Improve Performance with Bodybuilding HGH

Human growth hormone (HGH) is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. Its effects are mediated by human growth factors such as insulin-like human growth factor-1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is produced in the liver upon conversion of HGH. IGF-1 has anabolic or bodybuilding effects, which are sought after by athletes and bodybuilders. Essentially, bodybuilding HGH gives athletes and bodybuilders the body and energy they need during athletic performance.

HGH has several bodybuilding functions in the body including stimulation of protein synthesis, increased growth of tissue by retaining nitrogen and inhibition of glucose utilization by promoting lipolysis. Increased protein synthesis and increased lipolysis significantly improve the physique and energy levels of an athlete. Increased protein formation means more muscle mass. Increased lipolysis, on the other hand, means increases the breakdown of fat thereby resulting in increased energy and leaner physique. In addition, HGH also increase cardiac output, increase sweat rate, increase wound healing, increase bone formation and bone mass, increase lean body mass and decrease fat mass.

Effects of HGH on Performance
For an athlete to perform well, he must have all the energy he needs to endure the game. It was found that the beneficial effects of bodybuilding HGH can be obtained by supplementing the body with HGH from exogenous sources. Exogenous HGH such as HGH injections have been reported to increase athletic performance. Its ability to improve performance is related to its ability to increase muscle mass, increase muscle strength, increase lean muscle mass and decrease body fat. Moreover, athletes are not the only ones who can enjoy the benefits of HGH. Individuals with human growth hormone deficiency found HGH supplementation helpful.

Athletes and bodybuilders do not need to resort to performance-enhancing drugs such as steroids because they can improve their performance through bodybuilding HGH. Bodybuilding HGH is not only safe, its effects are permanent and long lasting. It was found that the anabolic effects of HGH could last up to five years after discontinuing supplementation. But then, athletes should be wary in picking the safe means of introducing the hormone into their body. Exogenous HGH is not totally safe. This does not mean that HGH supplementation is not safe. Rather, you should avoid HGH injections.

Avoiding the Adverse Effects of HGH Injections
HGH from exogenous sources can cause adverse effects. It was reported that patients who are given exogenous HGH have increased risk for myalgias, anthralgias and edema. Edema is mainly caused by increased sodium and water retention. Due to these side effects, HGH injections are not really recommended for athletes and bodybuilders. Instead, they can opt for natural means of increasing the levels of bodybuilding HGH.

Increasing the levels of bodybuilding HGH naturally could be achieved through an HGH spray. HGH spray serves as an HGH booster and releaser. That is, HGH spray contains substances that promote the natural production of the hormone. The pituitary gland detects these substances from the bloodstream and uses it in producing the hormone. These substances include amino acids, which are building blocks of the hormone. Opting for natural means of increasing HGH help athletes and bodybuilders improve their overall performance without necessarily posing risks to their health.

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