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Build Muscles naturally without supplements

Building muscles has become a very common sight in our societies and people take great interest in building the muscles of their body. There are many ways through which one can build his muscles and the best way to do so, is not to follow the shortcut. People use supplements to build the muscles of their body. It is sometimes termed as the fad diet use so that they could attain the muscular physique. There is also another way to make your body muscular and that is to adopt the natural way. One has to keep a special focus on his diet. The person should increase the intake of protein as it protein plays a very significant role in building up your muscles.


The person has to be smart enough to know the sources of protein and generally these sources are eggs, poultry, fish and lean meats. Well, there is also a specific percentage of protein presence in our diet. The experts have said that the percentage should be forty percent. The point is about the remaining sixty percent of food. The person should intake forty percent of carbohydrates and twenty percent of fat. There are also a few specifications about the proteins. The best way to have protein is to have it from the plant protein.

They are coined as the live proteins as they have not been heated in anyway. Also the people, who have become muscular, have always increased the intake of their diet. Now let me tell you about a few gym tricks. One should do high intensity training as it helps to build your muscles fast. Even it would be better if you have compound muscles build as they use more than one joint. One should use higher weights and fewer reps.


The two points that I would like to share are the significance of rest and building your body without the use of steroids and supplements. The muscles grow and repair in the resting period. Also most supplements and steroids are not approved by the FDA so one should stay away from them.

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