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How can I get muscle mass

Muscle math  preoccupation per game initially body building and even an essential part of the program advanced players and professionals.

Feeding is the most important elements of the game followed by comfort and Exercise Without those three elements or prejudice In one of them because making progress on your body.
- The player must bodybuilding not last long in a large program because his body fat percentage will increase further, leading to difficulty or length of loss which will walk aside with loss of muscle syndrome during those fat loss.
- You must look at your body through the mirror or through a friend or trainer to learn the amount of progress made by the next course measuring your weight and also to look at the fat on your body if you notice increased stopped a large program and give it extra weight.

- Do not forget the rest because the body grows and increases in training then you should gain from 7 - 8 stings
Of uninterrupted sleep to give your body a chance to repair and grow muscle fiber.

- And as we know, during the period of weight gain we have to eat some more calories than we consume
Setting calls for a player about 40 to 50 calories per kilogram of body weight almost during magnitude.

I should not bodybuilder stop a certain extent of the calories as long as weight gain, he wanted to increase calories continuously until it reaches the Freddie grains increase When that starts to stop increasing calories.
In order to learn to calculate calories of food intake must know the following:

1 - 1 gram protein gives 4 kcal.
2 - 1 gram carbohydrate gives 4 kcal.
3 - every 1 gram of fat gives 9 calories.

When primitive food program for the magnitude we must know the amount of calories you eat during the day almost.

Where the consequent knowledge of this disease amount of our food where we will increase this amount about
500 to 700 calories in the beginning.

Then we will increase the amount of calories after the 300 - 500 calories every two weeks through our food.
The following Example:

A player daily take about 2,000 calories and wanted to work diet to increase weight limits 12 - 16 week
  • Week 1 - 2 deals with 2,500 calories per day
  • Week 3 - 4 deals with 2,800 calories a day
  • Week 5 - 6 addresses the 3100 calories a day
  • Week 7 - 8 deals with 3,400 calories a day
  • Week 9 - 10 deals with 3,700 calories a day
  • Week 11 12 deals with 4,000 calories a day
If the player he noted had reached what he wants to increase or observed increase his body fat percentage depends on increased caloric intake.

Divided calories depending on food intake as follows:
50% of total daily calories from carbohydrates.
30% of total daily calories from protein.
20% of total daily calories from fat.

These percentages vary from one player to another and I did that percentage, which I have seen it mentioned and as especially suitable for few players experience their bodies and what you need.

The following is a simplified explanation of the components of this system:

First Carbohydrates:

Player needs an abundant proportion of carbohydrates to supply energy crisis.

We know the fact that the increase in carbohydrate intake lead to increase the percentage of body fat
But there is another fact that the small amount of carbohydrate intake will lead to the use of protein and other nutrients as a source of energy which is something unacceptable.

Regarded as the proportion of carbohydrates from 40 to 50 percent of total calories a good percentage.

Must also differentiate between types of simple and complex carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates such as sugars and preferably dealt with after the exercise immediately with no preferred dealt with at other times because it increases the sensitivity of insulin rapidly which will lead to the acquisition of fat faster.

Complex carbohydrates are slowly making it a major source of carbohydrates in the food program because it does not lead to increased fat rapidly, such as Mini.

It is also the major source of energy during exercise

The following mention of some of the sources of carbohydrates:

1 - simple carbohydrates (found in candy - fruit - raw sugar - some foods that contain a large percentage of sugar - some dietary supplements that contain a high percentage of dextrose)

2 - complex carbohydrates (found in rice - pasta - potatoes - beans - vegetables - bread - Oats)

Second protein:

It is necessary to build muscle tissue where the player needs to bodybuilders from 1 - 2 grams protein per kilogram of body weight.

The protein content of 30 - 40% of total calorie intake adequate proportion to the growth of your muscles.
The following are the best sources of protein:

(Lean Red - chicken breasts - egg whites - milk - different kinds of fish and also not lose sight of supplementing Wi-protein food)

Thirdly fat:

Some people believe that eating fat will increase the accumulation of (storage) body fat there is a difference between foods containing fat and body fat storage.

Must know that there are two types of fat are saturated fats and unsaturated fats

Saturated fat is a must stay away from dealing with it can lead addressed to increase the accumulation of body fat and increased health risks such as arterial disease and bad cholesterol
The unsaturated fats are necessary to increase the secretion of hormones and as especially testosterone a natural fatty acid (EFA) essential fatty acids.

Of the most important sources of unsaturated fats (good):

Yes, do not be surprised fish that fish source of protein and good fats and also olive oil and some kinds of nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds.

Fourth dietary supplements used during large

1 - Creatine:

It is essential during weight gain is natural and safe help build muscle and increase strength and endurance

2 - Glutamine:

It is derived from the amino acid protein natural and safe also mainly used for hospitalization muscle after exercise maintains the non-destruction of muscle tissue and helps to keep levels Nitrogen muscle high in fiber.

3 - vitamin supplement:

Where we must take vitamins to supplement that we can not eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables during the day.
Therefore it is necessary to eat it also helps to treat stress and increase health and immune activity.

4 - Wi-protein:

It is one of the best sources of protein and even faster absorption and helps to complete the representation of protein Daily and necessary crisis after exercise immediately with Eating from 30 to 40 grams Way with 70 to 80 grams carbohydrate, preferably a simple kind After exercise is essential for healing muscle after exercise.


You should divide your calories daily on several meals during the day from 5 - 7 meals a day.

And so that if you took your calories on the amount of 3 or 4 first meals will not feel hungry for other meals secondly because the body uses those quantities but spent part of it and the rest will be stored in the form of fat which will weaken your Almitapolzim and earn more fat.

So you must divide the meals into small meals and eating a meal every 2 - 3 hours.

There are some foods that should stay away from them, such as:

1 - fast food calorie Htoaúha high as especially saturated fat
2 - white meat or meat that fat, this fat is also saturated fat.
3 - French fries (fried in oil)
4 - pizza, ice cream and desserts.
5 - meat duck and geese also a large proportion of saturated fat.

But I do not deprive yourself completely of them, it could make one day of the week eat what you want, but to approach, though.

Finally, do not overlook exercise weights should play heavy weights and be 4 - 8 repeat Practicing 3 - 4 days a week is the most appropriate and the best way to get the magnitude of muscle and as especially from my point of view the profile and through experience.

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