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What are supplement stacks ?

You have heard the term. People usually tell you they are stacking product A with product B. You want to try the stack, but what is a stack? Why should you stack? Better yet, should you be stacking? Stay calm, the answers are here. AX has your back!
Stacking 101

The term stack actually means to arrange in a pile. This is why words tend to have several meanings. Supplement stacking refers to taking more than one supplement at once. If you are taking vitamin A (as one supplement) and Vitamin C (as another supplement), you are stacking. Stacks must have a purpose. People stack too often with little knowledge of the products.

A rule of thumb is to know what each product does for you on its’ own. Do not grab a few muscle boosters or fat burners and take them together. Try each product first. This can determine what effect it has on your body. Then, decide which products fit your needs.

What’s a supplement?

The term supplement refers to adding a product that makes up for a deficiency. This may call for additional vitamin C if you have a weakened immune system. A person dieting may need to boost their metabolism through supplementation. This may call for ingredients that boost metabolism or even the thyroid. Rauwolscine or hordenine would be suitable choices.

Proper stacking

If you were trying to gain mass a weight gainer would be a bad choice. Adding a fat burner to a weight gaining regimen also serves no purpose. Some feel it may help limit additional fat gain, but steer clear. Always have a plan when adding, especially stacking, supplements. Products often get bad reviews due to poor planning and misusing the product.

Gym “bro’s” may give suggestions on what products to take. This is a bad game of telephone so leave the phone on the hook. Read and understand what ingredients are in the products. This will help limit any crossover between supplements. Products can have different purposes with some of the same ingredients. Taking both would lead to crossover. This is not ideal for supplementation.

Stacking suggestion

Choose products that fit your goals. A person in contest prep may use a fat burner, antioxidant complex, and a muscle builder. Each product fits the intended goal. The fat burner for additional fat loss. The antioxidant for oxidative support for intense exercise. The muscle builder to help maintain testosterone and limit muscle loss.

Stacking is truly a science. Understand what each product does before stacking them. Limited product knowledge means limited knowledge for stacking products. Do not fall prey to any knowledge your bro may give you. Be a smart supplementer. This will help keep supplements in front of the counter and not behind one.

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