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10 ways to gain weight and bulk up

Here  we will know how to gain weight to bulk up and take a look at this simple  ten tips to gain weight. Although there is plenty of information designed specially  to help you lose weight, there is a shortage of real , useful, information on helping people put on weight. However, the need is out there plenty of people need to gain weight because of a particular sport, because of health issues. With these ten tips to gain weight you will find that you have chance putting on weight while at the same time maintaining an adequate nutrition and minimizing the risk for adverse health effects.
1. Calculate your required daily calorie intake through any online calorie calculator. It all comes down to consuming more calories than your body requires to maintain its proper weight, so add about 450 - 500 calories to that number.
2. Make sure that your calorie intake comes from many different sources and that is interspersed throughout the day, rather than all at once it's much more better.
3. Keep in your mind that while you are trying to put on weight, does not mean that you will need to start eating unhealthily so Avoid the junk food and instead try to eat bigger meals with plenty of snacks that contain all major food groups.
4. While vegetables are not often regarded as ways to gain weight, starchy vegetables like potatoes are high sources of calories.
5. Fruits give you vital vitamins and minerals that you will need to stay healthy while you put on weight. Look for denser fruits like banana or pear rather than more watery fruit.
6. Switch from broth-based soups to creamy soups. These can give you a delicious source of calories and at the same time being comforting and healthy. While fat is good, you will definitely want to avoid trans fats. Instead, look for unsaturated fats, particularly when it comes to creamy soups.
7. You will definitely want to control your sodium intake. One side effect that comes from eating more red meat and soups is that you may start taking in more sodium than your body is used to eat. Control  your sodium intake carefully and make sure that you drink enough level of water. If you have preexisting edema or hypertension problems, it is highly recommended that you avoid store-bought soups and salty snacks and save your health.
8. Some commercial weight-gain supplement is a great way to guarantee results. However, these kinds of supplements should never replace balanced meal and their name mean to supplement not substitute.
9. Most people trying to gain weight will usually do so because it is part of a training regimen. Do not forget to keep in mind your physical activity when calculating calories.
10. Your caloric requirements will change day by day and over time. So when you gain weight, do not forget to recalculate your new requirements Constantly with your new BMI, weight and activity. As you put on more weight, your body uses up more energy for daily activities.

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