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9 things If we've done will get rid of the fat belly

Suffers most men of a problem belly fat belly, where the combination man's body biological threatened accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, as well as lifestyle and its result, few in the activity and movement, and these factors work to increase the accumulation of fat, which is one of the problems stubborn faced by most men, and phase of these fats, follow these tips:
1 - Eating six meals light interspersed with green salad or fresh fruit cocktail, rather than eating three big meals and creamy. 
2 - Make diets rich in animal protein, whether any meat of all kinds, or plant such as grains, and eat more vegetables because they are rich in fiber, which provides satiety and facilitate the discharge of bowel.
3 - Weight lifting exercises that work to tighten the abdominal muscles only, therefore, should follow a healthy diet and proper to get rid of fat.
4 - Reducing junk sugars such as sweets, and slow everything contains carbohydrates such as bread, white rice, pasta, potatoes and other.
5 - Olive oil and other plant oils and raw nuts, health-friendly requirement to know how their consumption and the quantity allowed, they must be contained on our diet.
6 - Adequate sleep is necessary to get rid of belly fat, The body weary tend to eat a larger amount of food and storage, while sleep well earns the body vitality and energy throughout the day.
7 - Avoid alcohol of all kinds, especially beer, because it is the enemy of smooth abdomen. Also avoid sugar-rich juices ready and soft drinks.
8 - Raise the rate of daily activity, and replacement of the elevator ladders, but not cruel sport that carried on.
9 - Do not eat dinner in late and did not address any other meal in front of the TV, so do not eat the amount of food than usual without feeling.

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