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Empty stomach really better for the burning process

Completely wrong !!

This concept totally myth,  because your body really needs energy to help the effort during exercise. Can't get this power without a healthy meal.

In addition, studies refer that the body burns the same amount of fat, regardless of whether the power of a person and food before or after exercise. Without food, decrease the intensity of exercise and your focus,
 and as a result will affect the total calories burned which we aim .

Meals before exercise performance is essential, Also to have a main meal for 3-4 hours before the completion of the exercises, and a snack within 1-2 of their sport.

Also it's very important to contain a mix of protein, carbohydrates and fiber to obtain the required energy .
The conclusion is that sport exercise on an empty stomach does not help you burn more fat. Please think about your energy level .

and this equation shows

No food = less energy = resistance exercise of short duration = less opportunities to burn fat .

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