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Save your muscles to stay along

Must all know that muscle mass formed from exercising any kind of sport does not convert to fat, but degenerate and less size and due to the accumulation of fat around the production because the body has used in the past to perform physical activity high in turn burn energy extracted funded organization calories through food and when to stop these human activities for a period that the energy was consumed in the diet which consisted of activities funded by the organization look who consumed or run a small role in a long time grease.

So the question remains what is the solution if cut off from exercise.              
In this case athletes must change their diet completely when the interruption reduces the heat content private- carbohydrate and protein as much as possible, as well as some home exercise very important, such as abdominal exercises and skipping and home furnishings to the sport as much as possible to maintain the strength and bearing system and muscle fitness just new to the exercise of these activities.

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