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Kick Up Your Protein Shake!

There are a lot of delicious protein shakes out there now. Flavors come in everything from the standard vanilla to pumpkin pie. Each of them are chock-full of the protein and other nutrients that we need when training, but have you ever considered kicking it up a notch or three?

If you want a little more than what’s listed on the ingredient panel, there are a few things that you can add in to your protein shake to make it even more delicious and nutritious. It may go without saying that having a blender is crucial at this point, so make sure that you have access to one.

By adding in different food components to your protein shake, you can turn a simple post-workout fuel into a near-complete meal. Need some more carbs in the mix? Add some! Want a different flavor with an antioxidant punch? No problem! Below are some great food additives to blend in with your protein du jour.


Add in berries for a bit of sweetness and flavor. The simple sugars found in them can give you a quick boost of energy, and even help on your way to recovery after a workout by replacing glycogen stores. Blueberries and other dark-colored berries contain antioxidants, always a good idea!


Bananas are an excellent source of potassium as well as a great thickening agent. They add a nice kick to any shake, and supply you with a great deal of essential vitamins and nutrients. For a fruitier blend, try oranges or peaches. Whole fruits are ideal, but 100% juices are ok in a pinch.

Nut Butters

Peanut or almond butter are a great source of flavor and additional protein. Mixing them into a shake gives a definite flavorful kick while adding in protein and healthy fats. Opt for the all-natural varieties to avoid the preservatives and that nasty corn syrup.

Flax Seed

Flax is an excellent source of fats and can really help to make a shake into a meal. It will up the fat and calories in a very beneficial way. Be wary that flax seed won’t really break apart in a blender, so you should opt for the “milled” variety.


Whole grains are a great source of carbs, and rolled oats are about as good as it comes for adding into your shakes. Pour in ½ to a full cup of rolled oats for a good carb load. Note that adding in oats WILL thicken your shake to near-concrete proportions in a short period of time, so make sure that you drink it as soon as you make it.

Protein shakes themselves provide us with a quick and easy nutritional supplement to our regular diet. Taking it one step further by mixing in your own ingredients will only up the ante when it comes to fueling the fires that burn. These are just a few little ideas of where to start, but feel free to be creative and experiment! Your mind knows what to do, your body knows what it needs. Let your tongue have a little fun, too! Feel free to shout out in the comments section what you like to add in to your shake!

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