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The 30 Minute Lunchtime Workout

The clock is about to strike twelve, but you are in no hurry. You couldn’t possibly
 fit your workout into a 30 minute window. Or could you? It’s a 10 minute drive to the gym and back. Plus, your workout normally takes about an hour. You normally do it after work, but you end up with excuse after excuse 
before saying forget it. Enter the AX 30 Minute Workout, perfectly suited for lunchtime crunchtime!
 Breaking down your workout

Workouts tend to be bulky. A ton of sets and wasted effort. Too many sets leads to way too much time in the gym. You are also far more likely to overtrain your muscles. This equation does not lead to a positive result. It leaves you weaker and with far less time available for other important things, like family. You can perfect your workout by making minor adjustments to limit the excess.

3 Simple steps to perfect your workout

1. Focus on compound movements. Compound movements, like the bench press, incorporate multiple muscle groups. This allows you to burn more calories and greater potential to build muscle. Remove the fluff exercises, as they do very little to promote growth. The heavy, compound movements will help you in all aspects of exercise. So, remove the cable crossovers, and focus on squeezing your chest during dumbbell bench presses.

2. Limit rest periods. Time is of the essence. Stop checking out the hot chick on the elliptical and do your workout. People do not realize how much time is wasted between sets. Keep a focus on your rest periods and focus on one minute or less between sets. One minute goes by rather quickly, so it’s best to keep a watch on or by you. Limiting rest periods can shave at least 10-15 minutes off your workout.

3. Be prepared. You have little time and not a second can be wasted. Have your gear packed, prepped, and double checked. Shoes, check. Shorts, check. Shirt, check. Socks, check. Ipod, check. Have it ready so you can change before or when you get to the gym. You may want a towel to do a quick cleanup after the workout. Again, be prepared and organized.

Athletic Xtreme Lunchtime Rush Workout

This routine is designed as a 4 day routine, performed with 1 day rest after 2 exercise days. Example: Monday – day 1, Tuesday – Day 2, Wednesday – REST, Thursday – Day 1, Friday – Day 2, Saturday & Sunday – Rest, REPEAT.

SS stands for Superset. Supersets are exercises performed one right after the other with no rest in between. It is best to have both exercises setup prior to beginning the superset.
Each pairing will be followed by the number of sets and reps for each exercise in the superset.
Rest periods should be taken after each superset, rather than in between each exercise.

Day 1.

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press SS 1-Arm Dumbbell Row

    3 Sets
    6-8 Reps
    Approximated Time: 8 Minutes

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press SS 2-Arm Dumbbell Row

    3 Sets
    6-8 Reps
    Approximated Time: 8 Minutes

Decline Dumbbell Bench Press SS Weighted Pullups

    3 Sets
    6-8 Reps
    Approximated Time: 8 Minutes

Standing Barbell Military Press SS Dumbbell Upright Row

    3 Sets
    6-8 Reps
    Approximated Time: 6 Minutes

Day 2.

Barbell Squat SS Barbell Biceps Curl

    3 Sets
    6-8 Reps
    Approximated Time: 8 Minutes

Front Squat SS Dumbbell Hammer Curl

    3 Sets
    6-8 Reps
    Approximated Time: 8 Minutes

Stiff-Legged (Romanian) Deadlift Press SS Weighted Dips

    3 Sets
    6-8 Reps
    Approximated Time: 8 Minutes

Weighted Hyperextensions Press SS Ez Bar Skullcrushers

    2 Sets
    8-10 Reps
    Approximated Time: 6 Minutes

There you have it, all in 30 minutes or less. The times are approximations and they account for rep speed and time to get from one exercise to the other. These can easily be completed in less than 30 minutes. Challenge accepted? We hope so. Stay focused and be prepared. You’ve got this!

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