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Understanding Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity

Have you ever eaten a big dish of pasta and felt bloated? The issue might not be in how much you ate, but in what you ate. The problems with food related diseases are on the rise. One issue being Celiac disease that is estimated to affect over 2 million Americans. The number may be even higher for those that were misdiagnosed or have not tried to be diagnosed. Let’s get a better understanding of celiac disease and look at some common symptoms.

Celiac disease defined

Celiac disease is considered a digestive autoimmune disorder. This basically means the body is attacking itself, crazy right? People with this disease suffer from one known trigger that is gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat and wheat related species. This disease is triggered once gluten is consumed and it causes the immune system to attack the villi of the small intestine. Damaged villi means that the person is not able to properly absorb nutrients. They are also more likely to become malnourished.
Testing measures

There are a few ways to test for celiac disease. Some are a bit more in-depth than others but each can offer a diagnosis for celiac disease.

Biopsy – Celiac disease can be diagnosed, but the process requires an endoscopic biopsy. Which then requires a gastroenterologist to obtain tissue from the small intestine to check for damage.
Blood test – a blood test can be taken to measure antibodies. One such test measures for anti-gliadin antibodies which is an antibody produced against gliadin.
Gluten free diet – this is the end result for a diagnosis of celiac disease. Some people use this as a simple way to eliminate gluten to see if side effects will subside. This is not necessarily a test and is often chosen for the “self-diagnosed” crowd. 

Gluten sensitivity defined

Some people may not have celiac disease, but a sensitivity to gluten. This may be the diagnosis for someone who does not test positive for the disease, but experiences related symptoms. The symptoms of gluten sensitivity often mimic the symptoms for celiac disease, which is no shocker. The key is to get an accurate diagnosis rather than self diagnosis. After receiving your results, then choose the proper path to alleviating the symptoms.
Common symptoms for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity

- stomach sensitivity
- headaches
- fatigue
- numbness
- depression
- chronic diarrhea
- excess gas & bloating

The disease has been affecting more and more people as each year passes. This has helped people find alternatives to gluten for a gluten-free diet. People have flooded the internet with free recipes for tasty alternatives to traditional meals. I found it very surprising that the food is not bland and it does have good flavor. The key is to use quality ingredients, rather than some of the lower end products. I will give you the tip that almond flour is much more palatable than coconut flour!

The key is to find an accurate diagnosis and not a self-diagnosis. This can help improve your long-term health by gaining a better understanding of your ailments. There are millions out there and you are not alone. People are overcoming this disease and are powering through it! You should be one of them!

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