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5 tips to treat sagging rumen

How can treat rumen saggy ? Question answered by Dr. Khaled Youssef, Specialist obesity and thinness of the Egyptian Society for the Study of Obesity, a member of the American Society of obesity and thinness, saying: for the treatment of rumen saggy advised to follow some important food tips, which are:

1 - rely on a diet rich in fruits and water to get rid of toxins and salts that are stored under the skin.

2 - Walking at least 30 minutes a day.

3 - attention to eating foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids, such as almonds and walnuts, and try eating three to four tablets of either of them a day.

4 - supply the body with omega 3,6,9 which is available at pharmacies in the form of tablets, and can also get them by eating certain foods, such as oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna.

5 - eating some seeds such as purslane, which can add a tablespoon to a cup of yogurt a day, as well as eating whole grains, such as wetlands.

There are also some therapeutic methods, which can be followed to help next to the previous methods, which are:

• Technology (linking slimming) and be by linking the area to tighten the skin elastic plastic materials with exposure to thermal frequency waves to help eliminate cellulite, and for a number of sessions determined by the attending physician.

• Use some creams, which contain substances that improve blood circulation to skin, and helps to get rid of accumulated toxins, which also causing meanders skin or the so-called (cellulite), also improved the work of collagen skin, and is available many types of those creams pharmacies, and to obtain the best advised to ask your dermatologist doctor or pharmacist.

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